• What exactly is the NEFRSA? 
    • Can anyone join the NEFRSA? 
    • Must I attend meetings? 
    • Can I have my own web page on the site? 
    • Is there any costs to place my own web page here?

        Have a question? Send it to us..... click here>


         Q: What exactly is the NEFRSA?

         A: The NEFRSA is an organization comprised of professional contractors and 

              associates in the Roofing, Sheet Metal, and Air Conditioning trade. 

         Q:  Can anyone join the NEFRSA?

         A:  Applications are accepted from anyone in an appropriate trade, however,

              we screen all applicants very carefully to verify their credentials and

              good standing in the industry and the community.


         Q: Must I attend meetings?

         A:  Monthly meetings are arranged for the benefits of all members. They

              are informative and entertaining. We encourage all members to attend

              and socialize with other members, although not mandatory.

         Q: Can I have my own web page on the site?

         A:  Yes! Contractors are encouraged to enlist our web designer to

               make a page for you or you can submit a pre-designed page to

               be placed in the Members Showcase section.

         Q: Is there any costs to place my own web page here?

         A: Yes! There is a small fee associated with the design, hosting and

              maintenance of a member's showcase page.